*Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Your support facilitates our research in the Earthing/Grounding and wellness space, which we'll continue to share with you. We only recommend products we use ourselves and have found to be effective!

Tricia Reid: Hello, and welcome to The Beauty of Human Biology. I am your host, Tricia Reid. We're going to be exploring the language of the chakras and understanding that felt experience of being human. I look forward to our journey together.

Tricia Reid: My guest today is Step Sinatra. Step has a miraculous healing story, which was featured in the documentary, Heal for Free. Step had a near death experience followed by a 40-day hospital stay, which changed the course of his life forever.

Tricia Reid: In the early 2000s, he was a successful Wall Street trader that traded his health for money, spending a million dollars and traveling the globe for answers that led to one simple discovery that the most powerful healing therapy is right beneath our feet, and it is free.

Tricia Reid: Here we go. Hi. Welcome, everyone. My name is Tricia Reid and here with me, I have Step Sinatra coming live from Greece, right?

Step Sinatra: Hydra. The island of Hydra in Greece. Yes, it is. Kaliméra. That means good morning.

Tricia Reid: Good morning. All right. Well, we are here to talk about what Step is an expert in, and that would be Grounding and he has dedicated most of his life to exploring other ways to, what would you say, just balance one's life and find a smoother way of living in this interesting world. Does that summarize it?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. It really does, because it is an interesting world for sure, especially now. But it is. It's all about harmonization. It's all about bringing ourselves into balance and that's the beauty of the earth. It's the language that we can speak if we connect to it. So that's kind of what Earthing and Grounding is about.

Tricia Reid: Okay. Okay. So where has this journey led you? It seems to me, you were born into it. Life gifted you this opportunity to share it with others, but where has it led you in your own explorations?

Step Sinatra: It's taken me down this unbelievable rabbit hole of let's say personal healing, mind expansion, growth on all levels. And that's the journey of the soul. And it's really just how we express ourselves in this human container, this human form and what experiences we want to have. Everybody can probably look at their own life and say, "Yeah, all these events have been set up for me,” if we look back and that's the beauty of it all.

Step Sinatra: So now everything is starting to come together in this nice, magical, mysterious way where I’m understanding the energy of, let's say the universe, creation, and trying to figure this out and put it all into perspective and share this. That's kind of my mission.

Tricia Reid: So let our audience know a little bit about you or a lot about you. I mean, you have a lot going on around you. So please share that.

Step Sinatra: You mean right now in the background you see or what?

Tricia Reid: You’ve got nothing going on there in the background. No. What's the company that you have and what's your projects? For example, in being there, how has this affected your life and the harmonizing and the Grounding?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Okay. So wherever I start with that is two things. I run a company called Grounded.com, and we've been in the Earthing and Grounding space since 2009. I got into this, like everything else, I've been an entrepreneur my whole life. I really know nothing else. But I'm led by my intuition with everything. So whether it was trading on Wall Street early in my career, in my early 20s to starting a wine company, to doing whatever, it all was just intuitively based and that's what happened here.

Step Sinatra: So in 2007, I was burned out from Wall Street. I mean, I was just this hard charging, successful kind of guy out of college did really well, made a lot of money and spent all that money, trying to get my health back, because I was brutally sick. I destroyed my nervous system, but I didn't know it for 10 years, for a decade.

Step Sinatra: So there was this black hole in my life, and then it culminated in a 40-day hospital stay. And this is what the documentary Heal for Free was made about. And it also depicts a lot what Grounding and Earthing is all about. Because at the end of my journey, once I found the ground, I got better. So I was given a 1% chance of living through the night. Obviously, I survived, but really it was a choice.

Step Sinatra: And as it progressed, it just fell into place that I would begin this company and share this wisdom and knowledge because I had tried everything on the planet, Tricia, all right? Before biohacking was even a term, I was doing it just to survive. And I had the funds, so I tried everything. I went all around the world. I saw the gurus, I bought all the harmonization machines, $20,000 here. I spent $40,000 in a Hippocrates clinic. It didn't matter, but my health just kept going down until I literally got Grounded. And I can tell you that story if you want, but it was a game changer for me.

Step Sinatra: I think what's going on is now I'm getting an understanding is that we're really programmed. We're conditioned. And I don't want to use the term, mind control or that. It's a little bit harsh. But we are to believe that we are not spirit energy, to believe that we are man versus nature when really it's man in harmonization with nature and to live a life that is really in, once again, the balance and the harmony, and we need certain frequencies. We need certain vibrations and that's what the Earth offers and it's free. So it's great. It's why I live here.

Tricia Reid: So did you seek out something specifically when you were going there? How did you choose to go there, I think is what I'm asking.

Step Sinatra: You mean Greece or the rabbit hole?

Tricia Reid: Greece first, because is there something special about it that you could share with that would help us understand what you look for when finding that balance, that harmony?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. I mean, all right, a few things. I love the USA and I lived all over the USA, but it failed on the three of the top things, food, water, air, right? I love Southern California, so many great areas. I wanted someplace that had the good inputs because you need good inputs to create good output. And I also want it to be Grounded and connected to the earth as much as I can. Where's the best place for that? The sea, the ocean, the beach. It's that simple. You're getting all these amazing negative ions and I wanted to submerse myself in this water literally every day.

Step Sinatra: If it's cold, what's happening, it was my goal because after the whole journey, I just knew I got better. I felt good. My hormones worked again. Things started happening the more and more I was Grounded. And I said, "Look, I'm just going to make this my daily routine no matter what." So I was even living in Germany in a forest. That wasn't enough. I wanted to be in the sea and that's what brought me here, but it was also intuition like everything else.

Tricia Reid: So have you been able to track all of this with science?

Step Sinatra: Absolutely. So the Grounding / Earthing... I mean, do you want me to go into it?

Tricia Reid: Oh, yes.

Step Sinatra: So as it stands now, there's almost 30 peer reviewed studies upon what Grounding and Earthing and how it affects the body. And we have to just put everything in perspective that it's kind of a newer movement. So Clint Ober pioneered this almost 15, 20 years ago. He started to get this whole thing going. And then my father [Grounded medical advisor Dr. Stephen Sinatra] was pretty much the first medical to guy to jump on board. Clint went out and tried to sell this idea that the human body needs to be connected to the ground.

Step Sinatra: He was an ex-cable executive and understood the mechanics of grounding out technology and how important it was. So you reduce static charge. You get rid of all these things that make static, right? It doesn't make a good communication signal.

Step Sinatra: No doctor, no physicist, no scientist would take him seriously until my father steps in the middle. And my father gets it because he was a heart doctor. He knew energy from the perspective of having the heart, which is also the fourth chakra, Anahata. And it is 2,000 times more electric than the brain. Your field goes out six to eight feet. We know this. We've measured this. So he comes in and he says to Clint, "Well, Clint, this is making a big difference. It's inflammation. If the Earth is bringing down inflammation, you're telling me pain is going away, people are feeling better. Then that's what it is."

Step Sinatra: So disease now we're recognizing is really mostly an inflammatory disease. All of these things, whether it's RA [rheumatoid arthritis], lupus, et cetera. It's just the body trying to cope with inflammation and what puts out the fire the best is Earthing. So the studies have gone after that in a way and we've been able to show a few things.

Step Sinatra: Number one, what it [Grounding] does for the nervous system. How it instantaneously starts to harmonize the nervous system and bring us more into an alpha and beta state? So Dr. Otto Schuman comes along in 1952, and this is relatively new. He figures out that the Earth oscillates at 7.83 Hz. Now, when you start to figure out there's other octaves of this, 7.83 Hertz is a really magical number because it’s also that borderline between alpha and theta in the brain, and it's super low frequency. [Read Study: Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons by Gaétan Chevalier, Stephen T. Sinatra, James L. Oschman, Karol Sokal, Pawel Sokal].

Step Sinatra: The human ear can perceive frequencies that are greater than 20 Hz and less than 16,000 Hz. So this is kind of the band. So we're not hearing this pulse of the Earth. We're just kind of feeling this resonance. It's the heartbeat. So the studies go with the nervous system and what it's done to normalize cortisol, which is huge because after Wall Street, my nervous system was completely trashed. I mean, it was destroyed. But I didn't understand it until I started getting Grounding and getting it back.

Step Sinatra: Now look, I had run all the tests on my cortisol. I told you I was a biohacker and my cortisol was off the charts. It wouldn't start in the morning. It was jacked up at night. Finally, when I started sleeping Grounded, it started to normalize. And this is what the studies show. Some of them. Then the other part of the studies go with a lot about blood viscosity and what it does to thin the blood and create a more harmonious circulation.

Step Sinatra: We're showing that it improves endothelial function and even in Heal for Free the documentary, my dad goes to a specialist, an eye doctor who had a patient with retinopathy, which is basically the shutting down of the small capillaries, deep in the eye. And after 45 minutes of Grounding, they were able to show that he had improved blood flow. My father [Dr. Stephen Sinatra] said, "Well, if he's improved blood flow, he's also got to improves zeta potential." What's zeta potential? That is basically the charge between these blood cells. And when the charge is in an inappropriate portion, they stick together, rouleaux formation. [Read Study: Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease by Gaétan Chevalier, Stephen T. Sinatra, James L. Oschman, Richard M. Delany].

Step Sinatra: I had sticky blood. I used to look at this under the microscope all the time, and it didn't thin out until I started connecting with the Earth. And yeah, you can do garlic and do other things. That's why there’s pharmaceuticals, but nothing creates this thin blood that we need, like the Earth does. So these are what the studies have really shown. I'm making it in lay terms. And then some of them go into even like vagal nerve tone. That's the one I love with infants.

Step Sinatra: They're showing some how it improves even just at a basic level of massage, relaxation. It's endless because once you're affecting the core, everything else just starts to fall into place. [Read Study: Electrical Grounding Improves Vagal Tone in Preterm Infants by Rohit Passi, Kim K Doheny, Yuri Gordin, Hans Hinssen, Charles Palmer].

Tricia Reid: Wow. So what do you believe is possible with this type of technology and understanding how to use it appropriately?

Step Sinatra: I mean, it's wide open, right? Because the body has technology. This is really a superconductor. One of the studies mentions this - why I liked Dr. Oschman, 2015 study on how it reduced inflammation, but they go into this technology of the body that it's basically a grounding system. It's a tensegrity system, which is basically your structure on how all the connective tissue, your fascia, everything lines up. We're made of 18% carbon biomass. Superconductive. [Read Study: The effects of Grounding (Earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases by James L Oschman, Gaétan Chevalier, and Richard Brown].

Step Sinatra: Six grams of silicon are in the body. What's that? It's a semiconductor. You have this in all of your cells. So as soon as you touch your foot to the earth, it already has this innate intelligence. We know from the acupuncture meridians, K1 [kidney] point, boom, right in the middle of the foot. There it is. There's other ones in there. You have your liver kind of meridian going above the top of your foot, your spleen going into side, your gallbladder around the edge. And the body understands this, yet once again, we've been thinking that we're a neurochemical beings. Let's take this pill.

Step Sinatra: And I was in the supplement business, and “I'm going to get better. I'm going to change my neurochemistry. I'm going to change something in my body to get energy.” Wrong. We're electrical beings. And if we come from that perspective constantly, we're going to feed ourselves electrical nutrition, right? Vitamin G, the ground. Vitamin N, nature. That's what we need.

Tricia Reid: So how would you guide somebody who's skeptical about all of this and the benefits?

Step Sinatra: Great question. Because even me, it's hot and It's humid here.

Tricia Reid: Sorry.

Step Sinatra: Even me, right? I was skeptical, completely. I was a New York City Wall Street guy and I'm like, "Come on, the Earth is not going to do anything for me." I didn't really start really believing it, honestly, until it got me better. And then it took years for it to actually soak into my subconscious mind. So of course we're going to be skeptical. We are programmed that way. That's what I'm saying. We're programmed to look for the distraction, to look, to take something in when it's already within us.

Step Sinatra: This is what all the spiritual teachings mentioned. Everything that we know and believe is already within us. What does that mean? They're Like, "Whoa, I can't, conceptualize that.” It's there, because there's this innate intelligence. So what would I say to somebody who's skeptical, go out and try it. You have nothing to lose. All you have to do... Sorry. There's boats going by.

Tricia Reid: They're beautiful. They're amazing.

Step Sinatra: I hope you can still hear me.

Tricia Reid: Yes.

Step Sinatra: I know this captain. Interesting guy. Okay. There's water taxis. The best part of this island is, is why I came here to, there is no cars, no scooters. It's only donkeys and boats.

Tricia Reid: Wow.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. It's a nervous system reset. I walk barefoot, I get to be Grounded, and that's another reason why I chose it. All right. So back to the body and why somebody is skeptical. Just try it. See how you feel. Jump in the water. How do you feel to take a long bath, Tricia? Feel good?

Tricia Reid: I fell amazing. Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Because you're Grounded.

Tricia Reid: So you're saying any body of water, not just going to Greece and finding the ocean there?

Step Sinatra: Any body of water can work. You don't want it to be a swamp, obviously, but if you're in your bathtub or even in your showering, most likely you're Grounded unless it's a cheaply built new kind of home and it's all made with plastic, which is sad. That happened in the past, two decades. But before that, everything was actually copper piping, copper is conductive. So you get my drift.

Step Sinatra: Even in Germany, they have the fountains of Switzerland. I would just in the winter time, I would just grab one of those fountains at the... The water comes out of, the horses that come to drink of, and I know that I'm Grounded because it's just going through stone and metal piping.

Tricia Reid: This changes a lot of my thoughts about Grounding.

Step Sinatra: I like that.

Tricia Reid: Can you tell me about the quantification of the vibrations that you're seeing when looking at different ways of Grounding? We had talked a little bit about that the other day, I think.

Step Sinatra: We did get into that. Do you mean what I'm talking about with like the Schumann frequency and specifics around the frequencies and the hertz? Or was it something else?

Tricia Reid: Yeah, the frequency around the hertz. So what's coming to mind for me is that the vibrations come to different parts of our body based on their strength. Can you speak about that? You're here to teach us, friend.

Step Sinatra: By all means, my pleasure, my pleasure. So like I said, there's two things that go on with the Earth. One, it's just like pulling of electrons. You're a battery, right? We've got to think about it constantly like that. Like I said, you're an electrical being. The Earth is one big battery. You're also a battery. You're getting electrons and energy coming through the feet to quench free radicals, which is a positive charge. That's a whole other topic.

Step Sinatra: Number two is the frequencies, the Schumann. And Schumann, now we have mosquitoes, 7.83 Hz and there's certain octaves and layers of this. Now, we know that the heart has its own frequency. The stomach does too. All of our organs, even the adrenals, I think it's like 71 Hz.. And I studied this. This is the reason I moved to Germany was I got hired by a firm to consult for them. They're making these $25,000 incredible machines called Ondamed. Beautiful technology. It was just all frequencies. And I love frequency machines. I bought all of them.

Step Sinatra: There's a lot of new ones out there today too. All rife based technology. So let's say people can understand the solfeggios [frequencies] that's kind of like hot, right? And you have these layers and then they correspond to certain chakras supposedly. We don't really know the exact truth. So 432 [Hz] being one of the magical ones. 528 [Hz] being more of the heart center, that love frequency.

Step Sinatra: Yet, if you break it down, you're going to get... You go divide it in half and divide it in half and half. You're going to get into that level of, well, it came from the Earth and these low frequencies that I was talking about, like under 20 Hz that are really healing. And 20 Hz is that inflection point that's the pituitary, the pineal gland. Super important.

Step Sinatra: So as we go up in frequency range, but what happens? We just keep going higher. We go to kilohertz, megahertz, AM radio. Then we go to FM radio. What's FM radio? 80 megahertz to 180. You turn the dial? Remember this, right?

Tricia Reid: Yeah.

Step Sinatra: And that's this. That's a wave. That's like 108 million cycles per second. So it's super fast. If it keeps going, keeps going, we go into wireless communication, et cetera. Then we go into far infrared light. And then we go into the speed of light. And then we go into the speed of light squared which is like E equals MC squared [E=MC2]. And then what is that? That's form. That's mass. That's actually how we're perceiving each other right now is this digital pixelated reality, because it's light and sound and vibration. As [Nikola] Tesla said, “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you think in terms of sound, frequency, and vibration.”

Tricia Reid: So by going out in nature, is it possible to change the effects of the vibrations that are happening around us?

Step Sinatra: Absolutely.

Tricia Reid: Meaning on that... How do I say this? That sounds dumb based on everything you just told me. Let me recap. I have no shame. So when it comes to reversing the effects of what's happening on our body with all these other vibrations that you just mentioned, with all the technology, I mean the seriousness of it drove you there, where you are right now.

Step Sinatra: Yes.

Tricia Reid: So for other people who don't have that luxury to leave their life and go to Greece, it's a lifestyle change. So with this lifestyle change, what other ways can people work with the vibrations in their body and how can they know that those vibrations are off? And where would somebody start? I mean, you grew up in this.

Step Sinatra: Great question. I mean, I made it my life's path. Like I said, it was kind of chosen for me, but there was this 10-year black hole period, but I learned so much in that period of being ill. I mean, it was just unbelievable. And I just dedicated my entire time to it, because there wasn't a time for anything else, really. That's how it was. So to answer this, how do people start? Well, look, we know about meditation. That's one of the best places to go. And if you can really just be with your presence, feel your own energetic field, your own bio-field, which just contains just infinite amounts of information. You even have a digital field. You can really start to harness this. But for some people it's hard to get into meditation. I get it. I was there too.

Step Sinatra: So get into nature. That's the number one best thing. Just get into nature, touch a tree, touch a leaf. It's instantaneous and you touch a leaf. Within a millisecond, you're Grounded. And you'll get these effects mostly after 20, 30 minutes, 45 minutes is ideal. You'll start to feel something different happen in your physiology. I think that's by far the best place to start.

Step Sinatra: Now, if you can't, this is what we do. This is a Grounding Mat. So this hooks up to your electrical outlet that you can put this into. This is a ground. This is carbon. Like I said, you're 18% carbon. And when you touch this, you'll be in the Earth. So if you live in a high rise, you're in quarantine, there's smokes in California, there's fires, this is your best option because there is a grand agenda at play. And we're not going to get into that. But there are solutions if you so care to try them. And that's what we really offer because, hey, we're in a modern world. Like you said, everybody can do this, but it took me 20 years to get here. Trust me. It wasn't easy either.

Tricia Reid: Okay. I want to hear more science. I want to hear how it affects the brain. What body chemistry is happening? What's going on?

Step Sinatra: I like that one because the first time I ever came to SoCal, I went to an anti-aging clinic. This is almost 20 years ago. Maybe 15, 20 years ago. Right, Tricia? I got hooked up to... EKG is also electrical. That's the heart and there's EEG, right? So it hooks up to your brain and we can measure your brain waves. And the biggest takeaway I got from this, it changed my whole perspective was I noticed, I could see all the brain waves going like this. But as soon as I smiled, boom, I was into alpha state. Unbelievable like 9, 10 Hz, beautiful frequency. Oh, your body loves 10 Hertz, okay? And it loves this.

Step Sinatra: So that's why you see these yoga meditations that are always in there meditating, they say bring up the corners. And if you want to drastically completely change your mental outlook, which I highly suggest, go like this [smile] for 20 minutes. Like this, hold it and you will become happier. You will literally become happier. What it does for your entire neurochemistry, your dopamine, your serotonin, it's just fascinating. And there are studies around this that do this.

Step Sinatra: So that's kind of like the part of the brain. And then once again, if you're Grounded, you're getting that 7.83 Hz. So it's like bringing you that low range of alpha, which is like 8 to 12. And then when you get into theta, then you're starting to drop more into the subconscious and all of that relaxation that happens, especially as you go down and you go to the sleep. All right. Does that answer your question? Do you want to talk about-..

Tricia Reid: Yeah?

Step Sinatra: Okay. Because I can go into it more.

Tricia Reid: Keep going more. Wherever it's taking you, because I am so intrigued. I mean, I've had some neurofeedback done and I'm going to go in six weeks and do the whole... Big shout out. 40 years is in, yo.

Step Sinatra: Are you doing it? I've been trying to do this for six years. Oh my gosh. Great. Good for you.

Tricia Reid: I'm super excited. So when you're talking about that, I want to know what form you had and why you chose that modality. But I think for somebody who's growing up around these conversations of energy in the body and the heart, which is controlling every bit of our body, you just have this different view of looking at what you're doing. And it's such a gift that you get to share this with us. So where do you feel like life is guiding you and explaining this? What do you think people need to know that maybe the average person doesn't know?

Step Sinatra I think what we need to really know once again is inside of you, you'll know it's your own intuition. Whatever's birthing at this time for each individual person listening to this is going to say yeah. It's calling you. And what I always say is listen to that. That's your intuitive guidance system. That's your GPS saying, "Maybe I should change this part of my life. Maybe I should do this." But then something will happen. You'll get a phone call. There'll be something on TV, blah, blah, blah. You'll get distracted. And you'll shut that down.

Step Sinatra: No, no, no. Listen to that. Give that energy, give that some life, go into it because that's your soul calling you. And this is what I teach in my [Ageless - Avatar] workshops around the world is basically living by intuition, which is you're sixth chakra, Ajna. And there is so much power in this area. Science hasn't even caught up to this yet. It's so far behind what's happening there. And that's what I would say is, if you can get in touch with your own personal soul, you're going to get the intuition, the divine guidance, and this is what you need. And I think the Earth brings that out. Why? Because we need to communicate with a different language.

Step Sinatra: Like me and you were speaking through technology. We're using English. Meanwhile there's Greek going on around here. There's all these other languages and language is just a form of some sort of like trying to get a point across, but in a way we can't even comprehend what's really happening behind the scenes as complete energy and divine beings. We have to surrender and succumb a little bit to this higher source and power, which is completely within inside of us where it knows everything is possible and getting rid of all the distraction, all the illusion in our world and saying, "Hmm, the two biggest questions we can ask ourselves every morning is like, what is this reality world? And number two, what is my role in it?"

Step Sinatra: And if we're not asking those questions, what are we doing? We're living in the illusion. So that's my recommendation. Without any judgment at all, zero judgment, but it's good to ask these questions and then your soul can start talking to you.

Tricia Reid: So when you decided to go out and start sharing this with others, where did you start with saying, "Okay, this is the biggest need right now and this is the fast track way for me to present this content to others." And has it changed over time when you're presenting to the people you're speaking to or the people you're coaching and then in creating products?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. I mean, it's always in development. I mean always. And that's the beautiful part of life because nature is order, right? I mean, when I was swimming this morning, the fish are doing their thing like this, right? The sun goes off, the sun goes down, blah, blah. I mean, it's order. If there was this all chaos in nature, we would be disaster because our limbic systems would be totally trashed. We wouldn't even be able to function. It would be impossible. So there is this innate order.

Step Sinatra: But I believe in this little algorithm of how everything unfolds and we create change and we grow, and really, it's a spiritual school Earth. We're here to evolve. There's some little tweak in the code that makes for constant change. Right? And that's the cool part because what we're learning right now or speaking right now is dynamically being processed into the future for space - dimension - time. And then it takes on a higher level of approach.

Step Sinatra: So what I'm getting at is it's keeps just moving forward. And now my thing is about ascension where we're coming into this ascension window that's happening on this planet. And for those that really take the steps of self-empowerment, self-growth and commit to it, instead of the distractions or illusion I call it and I love distractions. they’re great. The food is great. The calamari, it was amazing. The ouzo. I love it. Okay? I mean really.

Step Sinatra: But to take the time out and feed our soul, get that information we can get, and then we can go. What I'm saying is ascend, which will be literally in a way, walk off this reality or into a higher dimensional plane, whatever a parallel universe we might call it that where there is no illness, there is no sickness. There is much more love. There's not much strife. And I believe for some that's going to happen. That may be way too far for a lot of people to hear, but that's where I'm wanting to steer this towards what I'm interested in. If people are looking for that, they'll find it because what you're seeking is seeking you, and I believe that.

Tricia Reid: Yes, yes. What is seeking you right now?

Step Sinatra: Ha ha. Love. If I didn't say that, then what would I be doing? Because if love is seeking me, that's the heart. The heart is 2,000 times more electric than the brain. And when we feed this with love, literally, obviously, that's fuel. That's the fuel for this energetic system. I mean, you got to remember love is a frequency too. Every emotion has a frequency. So we have to constantly think in terms of frequency and vibration and then we can start to transcend reality.

Tricia Reid: How could somebody dig in a little bit deeper into what emotions they perceive, they're feeling and those vibrations and understanding and working with them?

Step Sinatra: Go into it. And gosh, we all run away from those negative feelings, like all the time. I've been doing it my whole life. I know what it's like. When you're feeling sad, lonely, you just want to keep eating that chocolate. You just want to keep going for all those negative things and those bad habits that you know are completely taking you down that wrong rabbit hole, switch it around. It's like a dopamine constant adrenaline rush. And I was such an adrenaline junky. I mean, I was a Wall Street trader. I get it. I love it. I feed off it. It's amazing.

Step Sinatra: But if you can connect, like in deep states of meditation, you can do these pranayama breathing exercises and light up your chakras. I spend a half hour, at least every day just doing my chakra workout through my body and breathing. And then I connect with a different energy source. Wow. It really changes everything. And if I didn't do that, Tricia, when I stay off my practices, I am completely pulled to all these things in the illusion. And I think just getting higher levels of awareness of where your bad habits are, where you're distracting yourself... I mean, Joe Dispenza is selling this whole package. I love it. How to change your behavior, right?

Tricia Reid: Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Each and every day, each and every choice, I mean that's where it all starts. And I think the best way... Are you ready for this? The best way to do this is you go on a dopamine fast and you shut down your phone.

Tricia Reid: I love it.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. This is some of the workshops I'm offering because I'm excited about this. this digital detox where people come, I take this [phone] and I take it away from you day one. And I put it in a safe. There's no more tech. There's no wifi. There's no cellphone towers in any of these places I scoped out from Italy to Scotland to Greece, shut down. You have no other electromagnetic frequencies coming into your field except for satellites. You can't block that out unless you're living in a Faraday cage, which you can't do.

Tricia Reid: Not happening.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. It's not really feasible. So you get into this state and you get these things out of your field. Watch what happens. On my website Ageless, I wrote a big article about intermittent phone fasting. So intermittent fasting is really hot. I love it. It's great. But the research on the brain, everything, what it does, but when you intermittent phone fast, I don't turn this on until sometimes two, three, four, five in the afternoon. That's another benefit why I live in Greece. I'm 10 hours ahead of you. So the world doesn't have to check in with me. You see? So those are just some of my hacks.

Tricia Reid: I like that. I like that. Tell us a little bit more about projects you have coming up or that are right now underway.

Step Sinatra: Okay, cool. So Ageless.com is where the trips to European destinations, where I made them comfortable and high-end because I'm a Pisces and I like that stuff. I can't lie. And in of these environments of nature, we can really let go. And that's where I teach a lot of pranayama, certain forms of meditation. You'll even do some dance. Of course, the yoga. Anything to really raise your vibration. That's what it gets. I just keep raising that vibration. Right? There'll be like a fasting day, a juice day, whatever. Get out in nature.

Step Sinatra: And at the end of these one week retreats, people are transformed. Even myself. I love it because I'm in service and that's another high vibration. So if you go to Ageless.com you can see some of the ones coming up and Greece is one of my favorites. I'm trying to incorporate some sailboat trips for intimate gatherings too. But with what's happening in the world stage, we'll see what happens with that. So that's one.

Step Sinatra: Then two, if you want to learn about Earthing and Grounding, just go to Grounded.com. We've been in business since 2009 and we have tons of material, tons of material. And our medical team is pretty extensive. It's also headed by my father, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who co-wrote, the book Earthing. And he loves to go into all this science and dork it out as much as possible. And he too moved to the beach just so he could be Grounded everyday. So I think those are the two reasons to start. If I'm going to plug anything, that's my plug. And I'm also plugging nature.

Tricia Reid: Great.

Step Sinatra: Yep.

Tricia Reid: Okay. And then what about ingredients, the foods that we choose, is there ways for people to address more Grounding foods, and the vibrations?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. And I love this. I mean, I'm also a nutritionist and I have been so plugged into the food model, right? The blue zones go into this, but I think the blue zones miss something significant.

Tricia Reid: Okay.

Step Sinatra: Four out of the five blue zones are running near the sea. So that's just one. I'm just dropping a little bit of that. That's something I'm working on. But in terms of food, of course, always by the cleanest, most freshest, whatever you can get because in fresh organic rate food are negative electrons. Anything in a package is pretty much devoid and dead of electrons. And that's what you really want. When you get that fresh tomato, that's just grown in your garden and you eat that, you're soaking in the negative ions, negative electrons. And that's what we need. Those are what go after the free radicals and the free radical theory of aging.

Step Sinatra: You want to slow down the clock, obviously eat the right things, but always listening to your intuition. If you need meat, eat it. Some people don't, and there's always a debate and people can go out like politics, let that all go. You feed what you need for your soul and your body. That's what I teach. As a nutritionist, I was dealing with everybody's emotion. I was a therapist for 95% of my clients. And I'm like, food is in the head.

Step Sinatra: If we believe that this McDonald's cheeseburger is actually a good one, for some people do, they actually live a decent life and it's eating habits, but that goes in depth. So just choose wisely, right? Choose for your vibration state, choose for your energy, choose for your electrons.

Tricia Reid: Awesome. And then what about... So we've talked about your coaching. We've talked about the nutrition. What about your podcast? Tell us a bit about that.

Step Sinatra: Ah, the podcast. Gosh. All right. So that's where I get into pretty much all this spiritual stuff, like how we kind of live in a simulation and the code behind everything and how it runs, and how you can hack it and live your dream life. That's really what it's about. And then incorporate stuff like Grounding, a lot of vibrational medicine, ETs. It gets into some far-out stuff.

Step Sinatra: Now, it's not launched yet because I've been really busy running Grounded.com. Seriously, it's been a full-time job in a way, but I need some help. So if there's anybody out there that wants to jump on board and has some experience with this, I'm actually looking forward at the moment.

Tricia Reid: Fantastic.

Step Sinatra: It'll be like a spirit cast.

Tricia Reid: Do you feel like life's guiding you in a certain direction with that, that you think you're meant to invite anything specific into your life to support you in doing that?

Step Sinatra: I'm open and that's like the best thing I can try to be every day. I try to be humble. I try to be open. I try to check my ego at the door. It's doing its thing all the time. It really is even right now. And just being aware of that. So I just want to go deeper in my spiritual connection. I just want to feel my soul every day deeper and get the guidance that I need and be of service the best way I can because I almost left the planet twice. And I chose to stay here both times. So I know that I'm here. And I'm here to give, serve and to vibrate love any way that I can. So I'm just open to what happens.

Tricia Reid: That's beautiful. Thank you. Do you feel like there's anything else life is asking you to share with us, like take a moment, close your eyes and just, is there anything else?

Step Sinatra: Be your true self. Be authentic as best you can. And it's hard. It truthfully is. We're always projecting. I am too. I mean, it's just part of the human nature. And think of yourself as energy. Think of yourself constantly as light. E equals MC squared. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. You are energy, you are mass. Therefore, you are also the speed of light and as light, you're amazing.

Tricia Reid: This is so yummy. The fact that you were talking about the smiles and the chemical releases in the body. No wonder I love doing this. I just light up. I just feel just glowy when I'm talking to people and this is so yummy, this topic and to understand the vibrations in our body and the effects of all of this, and to tap into that love. I really, really appreciate you talking so much about how it's all free in nature, and it's not about buying an item or buying a product. Thank you so much. This has really been insightful. I hope you have a wonderful sailboat trip.

Step Sinatra: Right on. Thank you. Yep.

Tricia Reid: All right.

Step Sinatra: In nature. Thanks.

Tricia Reid: Thank you everyone for joining us. I'm Tricia Reid and this is Step Sinatra, my guest, and this has been a lovely conversation. Have a great day.